Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dr. Ries asks you to reflect upon your reasons for teaching

The following is a threefold question that relies upon the information shared in our assigned reading,  Keeping Good Teachers:   Why It Matters, What Leaders Can Do by Linda Darling-Hammond and the question also asks each one of us to reflect upon our reasons for remaining in this profession.  You may choose to answer any two of the questions posed.    

1.   What are the reasons that you reamin in the teaching profession?

2.   Which of the following suggestions made by the author would, in your opinion,  help to improve teacher effectiveness:   higher salaries, better working conditions, better preparation, or better mentoring?  

3.  Which of the suggestions made by Darling-Hammond would, in your opinion, help school districts retain its novice teachers?   

Friday, November 9, 2012

Jennifer speaks to the praise or non-priase of ethnic and cultural differences

Our text (Ornstein) discusses the issue of cultural demographics and how the nature of race is changing.  As our nation changes into a more diverse population many cultural aspects must be taken into account. It is the American way to take full credit for all that one has achieved. Our text discusses how Native Americans, Hispanics and Asians tend to downplay their individual achievement, stating that theirs is a family achievement.

As children most of us were taught to treat everyone the same and that discussing or pointing out the differences of others was “impolite.”  Should we do this as teachers?  Should we be colorblind, or as our text suggests, go so far as to make a list of student success in any ethnic group? How do cultural demographics come into play in your classroom? Should we “celebrate” differences or politely leave the subject alone?


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dr. Ries and Chapter 3 of Brookhart

Just a short question:   Can we and should we assess student logic and reasoning?   Why?   Also, feel free to add anything that you have learned over the past two weeks.....................about life!!!